Frankova M., Starostova Z., Aulicky R. & Stejskal V. (2025): Widespread anticoagulant resistance in house mice (Mus musculus musculus) linked to the Tyr139Phe mutation in the Czech Republic. Scientific Reports: 15, 1701.
Meter B., Kratochvíl L., Starostová Z., Kučera T. & Kubička L. (2024): Complex ontogeny of sexual size dimorphism in a female-larger gecko with determinate growth. Evolution & Development 26: e12490.
Kutama D.M., Minnaar I.A., Starostová Z. & Clusella-Trullas S. (2024): Developmental plasticity of colouration in a beetle reveals sex-specific responses and performance costs. Ecological Entomology: 49, 624-634.
Starostová Z., Píchová V., Bauerová A., Kubička L. & Kratochvíl L. (2024): Catch-up growth and overweight adults in the offspring of young gecko mothers resembling low birth weight infants. Biology Letters 21: 20230452.
Bury S., Kratochvíl L. & Starostová Z. (2023): Scaling of erythrocyte shape and nucleus size among squamate reptiles: reanalysis points to constrained, proportional rather than adaptive changes. Royal Society Open Science 10: 221513.
Meter B., Kratochvíl L., Kubička L. & Starostová Z. (2022): Development of male-larger sexual size dimorphism in a lizard: IGF1 peak long after sexual maturity overlaps with pronounced growth in males. Frontiers in Physiology 13: 917460. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.917460
Hlubeň M., Kratochvíl L., Gvoždík L. & Starostová Z. (2021). Ontogeny, phylogeny, and mechanisms of adaptive changes in evaporative water loss in geckos. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 34: 1290-1301.
Stöck M., Dedukh D., Reifová R., Lamatsch D.K., Starostová Z. & Janko K. (2021): Sex chromosomes in meiotic, hemiclonal, clonal and polyploid hybrid vertebrates: along the ‘extended speciation continuum’. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376: 20200103. read more
Meter B., Starostová Z., Kubička L. & Kratochvíl L. (2020): The limits of the energetical perspective: Life-history decisions in lizard growth. Evolutionary Ecology 34: 469-481. read more
Kratochvíl L., Kubička L., Vohralík M. & Starostová Z. (2018): Variability in vertebral numbers does not contribute to sexual size dimorphism, interspecific variability, or phenotypic plasticity in body size in geckos (Squamata: Gekkota: Paroedura). Journal of Experimental Zoology A 329: 185-190.
Czarnoleski M., Labecka A.M., Starostová Z., Sikorska A., Bonda-Ostaszewska E, Woch K., Kubička L., Kratochvíl L. & Kozlowski J. (2017): Not all cells are equal: temperature and sex effects on the size of different cell types in the Madagascar ground gecko Paroedura picta. Biology Open 6: 1149-1154.
Starostová Z., Gvoždík L. & Kratochvíl L. (2017): An energetic perspective on tissue regeneration: the costs of tail autotomy in growing geckos. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A 206: 82-86.
Matschiner M., Musilová Z., Barth J.M.I., Starostová Z., Salzburger W., Steel M. & Bouckaert R. (2017): Bayesian phylogenetic estimation of clade ages supports trans-Atlantic dispersal of cichlid fishes. Systematic Biology 66 (1): 3-22. read more
Starostová Z. & Musilová Z. (2016): The complete mitochondrial genome of the Madagascar ground gecko Paroedura picta (Squamata: Gekkonidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part A 27(6): 4397-4398. read more
Kubička L., Starostová Z. & Kratochvíl L. (2015): Endogenous control of sexual size dimorphism: Gonadal androgens have neither direct nor indirect effect on male growth in a Madagascar ground gecko (Paroedura picta). General and Comparative Endocrinology 224: 274-277. read more
Starostová Z., Kozlowski J., Konarzewski M. & Kratochvíl L. (2013): Ontogeny of metabolic rate and red blood cell size in eyelid geckos: Species follow different paths. PLoS ONE 8(5): e64715. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064715. read more
Starostová Z., Kubička L., Golinski A. & Kratochvíl L. (2013): Neither male gonadal androgens nor female reproductive costs drive development of sexual size dimorphism in lizards. Journal of Experimental Biology 216: 1872-1880. read more
Starostová Z., Angilletta M.J., Kubička L. & Kratochvíl L. (2012):Thermal dependence of reproductive allocation in a tropical lizard. Journal of Thermal Biology 37: 159-163. read more
Kubička L., Starostová Z. & Kratochvíl L. (2012): Temperature-dependent rate of clutch production in a tropical lizard (Paroedura picta: Gekkonidae): Intraspecific test of the Metabolic Theory of Ecology. Journal of Thermal Biology 37: 179-184. read more
Weiser H., Starostová Z., Kubička L. & Kratochvíl L. (2012): Overlap of female reproductive cycles explains shortened interclutch interval in a lizard with invariant clutch size (Squamata: Gekkonidae: Paroedura picta). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85: 491-498. read more
Starostová Z., Kubička L. & Kratochvíl L. (2010): Macroevolutionary pattern of sexual size dimorphism in geckos corresponds to intraspecific temperature-induced variation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 670-677.
Starostová Z., Rehák I. & Frynta D. (2010): New haplotypes of Cyclura nubila nubila from Cuba changed the phylogenetic tree of rock iguanas: a challenge for conservation strategies? Amphibia-Reptilia 31:134-143. read more
Starostová Z., Kubička L., Kozlowski J., Konarzewski M. & Kratochvíl L. (2009): Cell size but not genome size affects scaling of metabolic rate in eyelid geckos. American Naturalist 174: E100-E105. read more. Featured also in Natural History (see picture here).
Hynková I., Starostová Z. & Frynta D. (2009): Mitochondrial DNA variation reveals recent evolutionary history of main Boa constrictor clades. Zoological Science 26: 623-631.
Starostová Z., Kratochvíl L. & Flajšhans M.(2008): Cell size does not always correspond to genome size: Phylogenetic analysis of genome size in eublepharid geckos. Zoology 111: 377-384. read more.
Starostová Z., Kratochvíl L. & Frynta D. (2005): Dwarf and giant geckos from the cellular perspective: The bigger the animal, the bigger its erythrocytes? Functional Ecology 19: 744-749. read more
Publications in Czech:
Kratochvíl L., Kubička L. & Starostová Z. (2023): (Ne)ukončený růst plazů. Vesmír 102: 142-144.
Fraňková M., Starostová, Z., Aulický R. & Stejskal V. (2024). Rezistence u myši domáci v ČR. Zemědělec 3/2024: 14-16.
Fraňková M., Starostová, Z., Aulický R., Stejskal V. 2024. Rezistence k antikoagulantním rodenticidním nástrahám u myši domácí v ČR. Úroda 9: 72-73.